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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Natural journey

I think one should do something totally unexpected atleast once in his/her life. something that no one would ever expect... now im not one who is overly adventurous but i like to sometimes step out of my comfort zone and do things that i would normally be too chickened out to do, i think that was one reason why i decided to go natural. ive been contemplating for a while now well a year rather *chuckles* reasons why i should stop relaxing my hair because all my life relaxed hair was all i knew...but with a few youtube inspirations and a little search into my deepest of hearts i realized that ...wat d heck its worth a no..actually i realized that accepting myself for who i am is the greatest adventure i could ever embark hold on tight guys and join me on this journey...
                                            current length before big chop. bye bye creamy crack(relaxer) lol
                                                               new hair!!!!
                                                                      top: vintage store
                                                                       highwaisted shorts: vintage
                                                                       shoes: mom's (ceriously borrowed frm her)
                                                                        bag: forever 21