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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Natural journey

I think one should do something totally unexpected atleast once in his/her life. something that no one would ever expect... now im not one who is overly adventurous but i like to sometimes step out of my comfort zone and do things that i would normally be too chickened out to do, i think that was one reason why i decided to go natural. ive been contemplating for a while now well a year rather *chuckles* reasons why i should stop relaxing my hair because all my life relaxed hair was all i knew...but with a few youtube inspirations and a little search into my deepest of hearts i realized that ...wat d heck its worth a no..actually i realized that accepting myself for who i am is the greatest adventure i could ever embark hold on tight guys and join me on this journey...
                                            current length before big chop. bye bye creamy crack(relaxer) lol
                                                               new hair!!!!
                                                                      top: vintage store
                                                                       highwaisted shorts: vintage
                                                                       shoes: mom's (ceriously borrowed frm her)
                                                                        bag: forever 21

Friday, June 24, 2011

holley molley

lately ive been ignoring my blog due to all kinds of stuff life, laziness ...i admit maybe its more of the laziness but thank God school starts in a few weeks cos not taking summer classes like my friends have made me a tad bit more lazy dan normal. i probably wouldnt wear this crop top without a shirt over it cos im super conscious  showing the world my body but hey!!!  anything is possible if you just believe (dats a phrase from a movie) lol
to make this school appropriate i would layer this under a laid back plaid shirt.                                                                                            

Friday, May 13, 2011

My First mini black dress

Omg!! its been ages since i blogged i have let the busyness of the world swoop me away from my first love (bloggin) lol but im back now and readyto get back to bwizzness. This year so far has been amazing , new school( fall), moving (still with parents) love ( i think so) and so much more have i experienced this year im hoping for more greater things ahead. Yes its my first black dress ever and i love it because its simple, cute and did i mention its lace too haha, oops forgot that part.

                                      Dress: Vintage store
                                      Bag: Wilson/clark
                                      Shoes: Forever 21

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Perfectly Willing

Lately Chicago weather has been pretty nice.I've been spotting the oxford inspired flats I bought on my trip to Texas even though its a little tight on my feet I still can't stop wearing it lol ..I guess when u love something so much u really don't care how much pain it gives u ..:p
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring Ready

Today was like any ordinary day I had school so this were taken after. The weather has been wonderful this few days not too cold thank God lol. Have a great week guys xoxo
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Friday, February 11, 2011

freezing SMile

It is literally like (-0) degrees in Chicago, but yet I feel like that shouldn't stop me from wearing skirts and shorts. Basically dressing up everyday makes me feel warm inside and happy there are days when I just want to put on my sweats and be out the door but lately I haven't been feeling that lazy . Again the picture quality isn't that great but I just had a crunch that this was a blog outfit .Happy Valentine day u guys hope u have a good one !
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Saturday, February 5, 2011

bloggers block

Happy New Year!!!!! okay i knw its over a month into the new year but i couldnt hp myself becos its been quite sometime since i did a blogpost but im back now. I hope u all had a wonderful holiday and are keeping to ur new years resolution so far cos i knw ive broken mine already lol .Anyways this are just a collage of some pictures i took during the holidays they are not anything special but i guess they are better than nothing.Hope u enjoy and happy valentune in advance.